Legend Expedition Race competitors are required carry mandatory items to maximise their safety during the event and need to be familiar with the event logistics for AR races.
It is the teams responsibility to ensure all items are on you. Penalties associated with deficient items at an equipment check during the race will be severe (and may include disqualification).
The Legend Expedition Race is an ARWS Qualifier and has adopted the Mandatory Gear Lists promulgated by the Adventure Racing World Series.
These can be found here: arworldseries.com/about/resources
All Wild&Co 24hr+ events require participants to carry a 10cm x 10m snake bite bandage. These can be found here: St Johns Ambulance
It is also strongly recommended that teams familiarise themselves with what to do in the case of a snake bite. The St Johns Ambulance have an excellent guide here: St Johns Snake Bite Fact Sheet
One of the great aspects of this expedition is the un-supported nature of the race. Teams will need to meticulously plan all their equipment and sustenance then pack them into 4 x plastic trunks, 4 x bike boxes and 1 x paddle bag. Race officials will move these to various points on the course for teams to rendezvous with. The unsupported aspect of Legend Expedition Race captures the essence of a true expedition as well as making it easier for local and international teams to compete.
Race HQ will have a location to store non-racing equipment while you are out on the course. This equipment will be available to you at the finish line.
Car parking is available for the duration of the race.
Australian teams must bring their own 4 x plastic race trunks (these specific trunks are available in Super Cheap Auto for approx $35 each). Trunks will be provided for international teams and must be returned at the end of the race. Maximum total race weight = 25kg per trunk.
Each team member must provide a specific sized bike box which will go to the start and end of bike legs. It is compulsory for all competitors to use an AR World Series standard size bike box (same as most airlines) with dimensions of 140cm x 80cm x 30cm. Corflute (or fluted plastic) boxes are recommended and a number of manufacturers worldwide are now producing these. Cardboard boxes are permitted and can be bought at most major airport terminals in Australia. Wood or metal boxes are not permitted. Maximum total race weight = 30kg per box.
Each team member must provide a tubular paddle bag of dimensions 150cm long and 50cm round. The AR World Series has these standard size mesh paddle bags available. Maximum total bag weight = 30kg.
There will be no support crews and no outside assistance permitted at any stage. If you have friends and family however who want to come to cheer you on the best way for them to see the race and be a part of it is through becoming a volunteer race official.
While racing, note that no specific provision is made for water on the course outside of the transition areas. You and your team will need to source water as you go. It is highly recommended you pack some water purification tablets to treat any ground water you obtain.
Equipment checks will be carried out randomly throughout the race. It will be your teams responsibility to ensure you have all mandatory items at the above specified times. Penalties associated with deficient items at an equipment check during the race will be severe.
Race Organisers will provide all kayaks, maps, race control cards and roping equipment if applicable. Paddles and PFDs can be provided if required for a small fee.